What Is The Fee Structure For Arya Samaj Marriage Under Hindu Marriage Act?
Now that every religious body has started charging for marriage services Arya Samaj at Ghaziabad has also followed suit but with a huge difference. The Arya Samaj Pratap Nagar Ghaziabad is likely to charge near about of Rs. 2,100 for conducting the marriage and giving a valid certificate. The same will happen if you go to Arya Samaj Lohia Nagar Ghaziabad or Arya Samaj Nandgram Ghaziabad . Fee structure for Arya Samaj Weddings is uniform whichever branch you go to and the same is applied to the Priest who will charge you a nominal Rs.500. In fact it is ridiculously small considering the pompous way weddings are conducted and the amount of money spent on the various aspects of the event. Arya samaj Arya Samaj Sanjay Nagar Ghaziabad serve to a mix breed of society that has different economy participating in it. So keeping the fee at lowest levels not only minimizes the wedding expenses of the couple but also do economical service to the public. All ceremonial prepara...